What is the strategy for Enza Zaden and Ahern’s protected culture varieties in this region?
We focus our development and promotion of the product according to the market knowledge and consumers or clients we have. We also have an execution plan with the new commercial varieties.
What are the most outstanding varieties for 2015?
In our selection of cucumbers:
Slicer: Primavera, Paraíso and Alcázar which are already well known and a new variety Tirano (E23S.15995), which will be introduced to the market in 2015 and 2016. These varieties are used for the national market as well as the export market and depending on the production season and systems in the recommendation. With these varieties we can work with annual production programs.
European: depending on the production region and the kind of system used we have 3 varieties with excellent results: Kalunga, Roxynante and Espada.
Persian: We are focused on Katrina and Camello: Depending on the region and production season, we make the recommendations.
These varieties are what sell in the market but the sales depend on the area, grower and market.
The organic market is also developing; this is why we also count with the same varieties in an organic version.
In regards to our protected culture tomato varieties, we have both roma or saladette and round, or beef. 98% of our roma tomato sales are from Pai Pai. We sell in all areas mainly in the Bajas, Torreon , Bajio, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Puebla, etc. With Ahern’s help, we promote Pai Pai seeds throughout the country. Of our beef tomatoes, Lezaforta, a tomato of low to medium technology which is sold most in Sinaloa, Torreon and Puebla, mainly for exportation. Forenza has 4 years in the market and is a variety with good expectations; it is for export with good yields and is grown in medium technology for long production cycles in soil and hydroponics systems. It is an excellent variety for high quality exportation markets.
What vision do you have for this area in the future?
Continue to work and participate with the growers focusing in the export markets and the national market where varieties of high quality and productivity are searched for, especially in protected culture. We need to develop varieties according to the needs and market tendencies, as well as offer solutions to our clients. We need to focus our development in searching for adaptability for each region or area of the country.
In all of the country there is no doubt that in some areas outside of Sinaloa, some areas have consolidated to both export and national market with products of high quality and productivity. Each grower has different needs and we need to focus in solving their demands to obtain the best benefits of our varieties.
The needs for central Mexico in regards to production systems and resistances to diseases are very different than those that are present in the northern and western regions of Mexico or northeast Mexico. We need to develop in a multi-local way to offer better alternatives.
Each area depends on and has different requirements. We conduct different and specific evaluations for each area needs in a professional way.
In Sinaloa: Focusing on export, it is a very competitive market with specific conditions for the winter production. It is one of the most important markets which is why we are focused in continuing to satisfy the demands of the final producer, and developing products to maintain the lead.
How has Ahern helped you in terms of team and products?
We have a lot of support from the Ahern team to introduce new varieties to the market and in converting our development varieties into commercial ones in different areas of the country. For our cucumbers and tomatoes, Ahern has a lot of experience and a broad communication with producers that continues to grow. Together, we elaborate market strategies to keep the presence that we have.
I have no doubt that Ahern is one of the most sophisticated teams in customer service in both commercial service, as well as variety development. The support has been essential to maintain and introduce varieties. They are one of the few teams with people on the fields, warehouses and service to the farmer around the main production areas.
Ahern’s presence at a national level is very high and specialized and for Enza it is a platform to the Mexican market. There is very good interaction and communication between the technicians and sales personnel. It is very satisfying to count on that support and to be able to grow together.